Day 2: The Wildfire Building

          The Wildfire Building consisted of 5 levels, each a different level of sterilization. I couldn't understand why all the levels wouldn't be the most sterile they could all be, but that was just not how things worked around here. I didn't know what to expect when I saw this building was disguised as a government agricultural testing facility, and I just didn't know what to think when I also saw a security guard. There was a series of tests I had to go throw, and I also had to go through the sterilization of each level in a certain amount of hours. When I got the chance to sleep, I slept! I knew that when I got to level five I wouldn't be getting much sleep so I figured I would rest while I could.
          When I got to level five I needed some coffee, and quick. I walked around and found a cafeteria where Dr. Leavitt, a member of Wildfire, was. I went straight to the coffee maker and poured myself a cup, and I looked for sugar but couldn't find any. I asked Leavitt and he said there was no sugar, and I thought to myself are you crazy no sugar when I am busting my behind trying to do research! I simply drank my coffee and walked back to the lab where the survivors were, who I had to take care of. The baby would not stop crying and the old man would not wake up, so we had to feed them through tubes. Guess who had to set the tubes up, yes that's right I had to! Finally when the old man, who's name is Mr. Jackson, woke up we could get a lead on why he is still alive.