Day 1: The Incident

           While I was in the middle of an operation I was pulled aside. A satellite had crashed in Piedmont, Arizona and a virus of some sort wiped out the entire population. How is this possible? I asked myself that repeatedly, and I could never answer my own question. I knew I should have finished the surgery, but i was too curious to care. I will just have my assistant do the rest of the surgery then, I told myself, and with that I left.

          I was on the plane flying to the Wildfire building/lab and I was trying to figure out what had really happened. There was a file a military man told me to read that i didn't want to read, but i did anyway because of my curiosity. Apparently there were two survivors of the incident, a man and a baby. Why would these two be special enough to survive the virus? Yet another question my brain had asked, and yet another i couldn't answer, at least not yet. I was doubtful that i made the right decision to become part of this team, but the rest of the team said i was needed deeply, and I still haven't found out why.